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PALIO of Siena Schedule

Each year, the schedule for the palio remains exactly the same, with dates for the first Palio always from June 29th - July 2nd, and dates for the second Palio always from August 13th - August 16th. Of course there are many preparations, small celebrations, dinners and ceremonies during the weeks preceeding and following the official dates of the Palio.


June 29th

  • 12:00 Assigninag of the Horses to the Contrade
  • 7:45 The first Prova June

June 30th

  • 9:00 The Second Prova
  • 5:00 The Procession of the "Cero Votivo," Votive Candle
  • 7:45 The Third Prova

July 1st

  • 9:00 The Fourth Prova
  • 7:45 The Prova Generale
  • Dinner of The Prova Generale afterwards

July 2nd

  • 7:30 Mass of the Fantino in the Chapel of Piazza del Campo
  • 9:00 Last Prova, known as the "Provaccia"
  • In the early afternoon, around 2:30, in the church of every contrada which participates in the Palio there is the Benediction of the Horses and of the Fantino
  • 4:00 The Closing of Piazza del Campo begins
  • The only entrance way is at Via Dupre until 6:30 when the piazza is completely closed.
  • 5:00 The beginning of the historic pageant
  • 7:20 The corsa begins
  • After the Victory: Te deum of thanks in the Chiesa di piazza Provenzano


August 13th

  • 12:00 Assigning of the Horses to the Contrade
  • 7:15 The first Prova

August 14th

  • 9:00 The Second Prova
  • 5:00 The Procession of the "Cero Votivo," Votive Candle
  • 7:15 The Third Prova

August 15th

  • 9:00 The Fourth Prova
  • 7:15 The Prova Generale
  • Dinner of The Prova Generale afterwards

August 16th

  • 7:30 Mass of the Fantino in the Chapel of Piazza del Campo
  • 9:00 Last Prova, known as the "Provaccia"
  • In the early afternoon, around 2:00, in the church of every contrada which participates in the Palio there is the Benediction of the Horses and of the Fantino
  • 4:00 The Closing of Piazza del Campo begins
  • The only entrance way is at Via Dupre until 6:00 when the piazza is completely closed.
  • 5:00 The beginning of the historic pageant
  • 7:00 The corsa begins
  • After the Victory: Te deum of thanks in the Duomo of Siena

Discover more about the Palio of Siena:

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