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COST of LIVING in Siena

The cost of living in Siena is average. Basic food costs are in line with the rest of the European Union.

Food and drinks come in all price ranges, from reasonably priced eateries to fine dining.

The following can be used as reference for food costs:

  • one loaf of bread: 1.40 euro;
  • 250 gr.of butter: 1.40 euro;
  • one litre of milk: 1.30 euro;
  • one litre of mineral water: 30-50 cents;
  • one ca of Coke: 1.50;
  • one bottle of beer:1.80 euro

Lunch in an average restaurant will cost about 25.00 euro, a typical italian breakfast of a pastry and coffe or capuccino costs about 2 euro, and delicious italian gelato costs 1.70 euro. If you feel like having a snack, there are plenty of cheap pizzerias, where a slice of pizza costs about 1.10 to 1.50 euro.

A local phone call costs 0.30 cents, and a cinema ticket will cost 6.00 euro.

A full cycle of washing, including drying, at the laundrette, costs 6.00 euro.

Urban bus is 90 cents for a one-way trip, while a monthly pass will cost 24.00 euro.

Siena has many internet-cafes where one hour of internet access costs about 4.80 euro. Cultural events, sports centres as well as bookstores, museums and other facilities offer student discounts.

More info about: Quality of Life in Siena

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